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Daily Habits That Cause Hair Fall

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Jul 16, 2024

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Srijita Biswas

Daily Habits That Cause Hair Fall

Who wants their hair to fall out? Noone. For that, most of us are even ready to incorporate long hair care routines. Our hair is our pride; we want nothing but our strands to be healthy, happy, and in great condition. But unknowingly, we end up making up small mistakes that might be costing big when it comes to your hair’s health. Here, we’ve curated a list that talks about what causes hair fall, so that you can be cognizant of it, and make some adjustments or switches to prevent hair from falling.


1. Brushing Your Hair When It’s Wet

Brushing Your Wet Hair

If you have been brushing your wet hair, you might want to stop. Doing so causes nothing but hair fall, as our wet hair is more fragile and prone to breakage. Rather, use a microfibre towel post shower, and wait for your hair to semi-dry before you pick that comb. 


2. Not Being Gentle While Drying Hair

Dry Damaged Hair

Rubbing your hair vigorously after taking a shower isn’t going to help. What it does in fact is to cause lots of friction, which in turn, causes breakage and increases hair fall. Wet hair is especially vulnerable to breakage as the hair roots are weaker when they are wet. Instead, go easy while using that towel and wrap your hair in it gently for the excess water to be absorbed.


3. Overusing Heat Styling Tools

Using a Hair Straightening Machine

Heating tools are great for enhancing the look of your hair. For many, they’re an integral part of the hair styling routine; without a straightener, curling iron, or blow dryer, one wouldn’t want to imagine their hair styling routine. But its daily application is worse than you think, as prolonged exposure to heat can leave hair brittle and damaged, ultimately causing hair fall. Rather, use it occasionally. If you can’t do without styling your hair on a regular basis, consider using it on the lowest heat and use heat protectants without fail. Neglecting it can become a potential cause of hair fall.


4. Taking Overly Hot Showers

Women Taking A Shower

Who doesn’t like the rejuvenating experience of hot showers? We all do! But it isn’t rewarding for hair; rather, it causes damage—it strips moisture from the hair, turning hair brittle and lifeless. Taking hot showers is normal and can be enjoyable, but doing it daily can cause hair to snap and fall, stripping away the natural oils that nourish your hair strands.


5. Stressing

Women in Stress

Stress has never contributed positively to any aspect of our lives; it rather worsens the situation, and it does the same with our hair’s health. When stress levels soar, our body releases a stress hormone called Cortisol, which potentially creates disruption in the hair growth cycle, eventually resulting in excessive hair shedding. Controlling stress level is advisable and it isn’t a day or two process; with time, you learn to control it with proper diet, exercise, lifestyle changes, etc, and understand how to control hair fall.


The above-mentioned examples can cause hair to fall. The best part? You have complete control over it. Being mindful of your choices is the first step towards keeping your hair’s health in check, so start having a routine that is enjoyable and rewarding. Hair fall can be controlled with hair oils; they soothe the scalp and keep its health in check, and some of them re-energise hair follicle cells and promote hair growth. Check out Parachute Advansed Ayurvedic Hair Oil, which is supremely popular for its effectiveness to reduce hair fall in 30 days and grow new hair in 90 days. 



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