parachute advansed


Importance of a Nutritional Diet for Healthy Hair

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Jun 5, 2024

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8 min

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Biswajit Singh

Your diet directly affects your hair's health. While you might enjoy the burgers, fries, pizza, and nuggets once in a while, and we all do, a sustainable, healthy, and nutritious diet is necessary for your body to thrive, hair and skin included. Occasionally, indulging in fast food is fine, but lacking essential nutrients in your meals and snacks can cause hair problems. A balanced diet contains essential vitamins, minerals, omega-3 fatty acids, proteins, etc., contributing to hair growth and nourishment. Skim through this article and understand the importance of a nutritional diet for healthy hair and what foods help hair growth.

Role of Nutrients for Healthy Hair

The nutrients you get from your diet help grow and maintain healthy hair, contributing to its structure, growth, and overall health. Here are the essential nutrients for hair growth:


1. Protein

Eggs for Protein

Protein is essential for building tissue cells, including those in hair. Our hair is primarily composed of a protein called keratin. When we consume different protein-rich foods, we provide necessary protein to our hair follicles, helping hair grow. Without adequate protein, hair can become brittle and prone to shedding.


Protein-rich diet: Fish, eggs, red meat, poultry, cheese, beans, legumes, nuts, etc.


2. Vitamin A, Vitamin C, & Vitamin E

Green Leafy Veggies for Vitamins

Typically, various vitamins are good for hair health. Common vitamins you need for scalp nourishment, hair structure, and strength are Vitamin A, Vitamin C, and Vitamin E. An adequate amount of Vitamin A is essential for hair growth, as it is nourishing for the hair and keeps hair healthy, while Vitamin C enhances the strength and presence of collagen in hair cells, which is crucial for hair structure. Being rich in antioxidants, Vitamin E enhances the overall strength of the hair and reduces oxidative stress, combating the effects of free radicals on hair cells. So include fish, strawberries, spinach, and other leafy vegetables in your diet, which are rich vitamin foods for hair growth. 


3. Iron


Iron is a crucial element for hair growth. It aids in the production of haemoglobin, which transports oxygen to various parts of the body, including hair follicles, essential for optimal growth. Hair structure relies on essential minerals like iron, which contribute to its strength, softness and smoothness. Iron deficiency causes the body to extract ferritin (a blood protein) from various parts, including hair follicles. The lack of ferritin compromises hair health, leading to significant changes in texture and making hair frizzy and coarse. So make sure you have an iron-rich diet for your hair growth, which includes legumes, sweet potatoes, peas, dates, broccoli, etc.


4. Omega-3 Fatty Acids


Healthy hair means thicker, shinnier, and smoother, easy to manage hair. When you consume enough omega 3 fatty acids, you nourish your hair strands and add protection against environmental damage like UV rays. Not only that, it’s best to treat inflammation, thus controlling dandruff and other disorders. Battling free radicals and pollutants is what Omega 3 is known for. That’s why it’s best to include flaxseed, chia seeds, walnuts, soyabean, and fatty fish, which provide immense nourishment to the hair follicles, improving blood circulation in the scalp. 


5. Zinc

Benefits of Curry Leaves for Hair

Zinc is another essential nutrient you need for your hair growth, as it plays a key role in the production of DNA and RNA, which create divisions of hair follicle cells—a much needed process for healthier hair. Zinc contributes to the growth and repair of tissues, which build hair and its follicles. From reducing shedding to boosting hair growth and improving scalp health, zinc offers several benefits and looks after important aspects of hair growth. Zinc rich foods are peanuts, whole grains such as wheat, rice, and oats, dark chocolate, etc. 


Your diet is what you have control over, which should include nutrient-dense food items that contribute to your hair’s overall health. Protein, vitamins, iron, omega 3 fatty acids, and zinc are some essential nutrients your hair needs for its nourishment. 


Apart from that, your hair needs to be treated with the right hair care products that keep your scalp nourished, your strands clean, supple, and soft, and your overall health in good condition. Make sure you pick the best hair oil, a suitable shampoo and conditioner, and a great serum to add a shiny and glossy touch to your lovely locks.



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